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Nikita Boston-Fisher

My motivation

Public health has been my one consistent passion throughout life. While many people reportedly stumble into public health  as a career sometime during or after university this has been my singular goal since childhood. All aspects of the field interest me however I am particularly passionate about compassionate and quality healthcare, health promotion and health literacy. I value community and am committed to helping solve health inequities.


Good health is extremely important to all other aspects of our lives (such as education, finance and work) yet it can be difficult to understand what often seems like conflicting information in order to manage our health and that of our loved ones. How overwhelming! I know from first hand experience that the system is complex and not always warm and welcoming. I am insatiably curious about the way things work in the health system and have a desperate need to understand the people and things around me, and to help others understand as well, hence this podcast!  A place where we can learn new information together. I believe information is only helpful if we understand it so the cornerstone of The Good Health Cafe will be plain language communication.

I sincerely hope that you find the information useful and that it empowers you with the knowledge necessary to achieve and sustain good health for you and your loved ones!

What I've done professionally:

I have worked in non-profit, government, contractual and academic settings on a wide range of topics, including Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and Tuberculosis (TB) and am an active volunteer in professional organizations.  My credentials include: Bachelor of Science in Community Health, Master of Public Health, Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) and certified Project Management Professional (PMP). 

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